Smart and dumb money luck


Powerball winners Robinsons

Recent Powerball winners Robinsons in January 2016

What is smart money and dumb money? Smart money relates to the skills you learn from schools, college, universities and using the skills to get a job or start a business to earn a living. The salaries, wages, fees, commissions and profits you get from your job/business is called smart money. Smart money can be repeated every month as long as you work you can earn your monthly income. Please read my blog on “Assessment of Wealth Capacity”.

Sometimes when you are in the right place, right time and someone give you a money making opportunity deal and you make money out of it without much effort. This is called dumb money. The windfall from winning a lottery, game of chance and huge inheritance are also considered as dumb money. Normally, incomes or wealth from dumb money cannot be repeated unless you are very lucky. Below are some of the pictures of the recent lottery winners, the Robinsons, and Julie Leach.

Julie Leach

Julie Leach

To check whether you have wealth or not, you have to check your Bazi chart. Once you have printed your Bazi chart, check whether you have the Direct Wealth(DW) and the Indirect Wealth stars in your chart. DW and IW represent money or wealth. Please print your Bazi Chart here.

Based on the element of your Day Master, you can determine your wealth element as tabulated below-

Wealth elements based on Day Master

Identifying your wealth element is only the starting point and you will not get much if the wealth element is not moved.

To summarize the production cycle of the elements: – the Resource produce you or Day Master(DM), DM produce Output, Output produce Wealth, Wealth produce Influence and Influence produce Resource.

In order to hunt for wealth element, it needs to move as just like in hunting for tiger and lion in the safari or forest. When the target comes out of its hiding and starts to move we can take aim and shoot. To move the wealth element, we need to use output element i.e. your talents, skills, and ideas as output produce wealth. The other element we need to use is the Resource element which represents education and resourcefulness. Please read my blog on Assessing Your Wealth capacity.

From my research on people having dumb money luck, I noticed that Output and Resource elements and clashes must be present in order to trigger the dumb money luck as highlighted below-

1)Output elements in the form of Eating God(EG) or Hurting Officer(HO) must be present on the day of the event.

2)Resource elements in the form of Direct Resources(DR) or Indirect Resources(IR) must be present on the day of the event.

3)The earthly branch of the Day Master of the person must clash with any pillars either Hour, Day, Month and Year Pillar on the day of the event.

6 clashes

6 clashes

Fasten your seat belts as I would be sharing some real life cases of dumb money luck.

(A)Michael Carroll(winning lottery)

Michael Carrol Lottery Winner

He won GBP9.736m(USD15.5m) on National Lottery in November 2002. Let us look at his Bazi Chart and Bazi chart of the date of the lottery draw.

1)There was a Dragon in the earthly branch of the Day Master of Michael Carroll in his Bazi Chart which clashed with Dog in the earthly branch of the day and earthly branch of the month on the date of the lottery draw.

2)Output element of HO or Ding Fire appeared in hidden stems of Day, Month and Year on the date of the lottery draw.

3)Resource element of IR or Yang Water appeared in the stem of the Year Pillar on the date of the lottery draw.

(B)Anna Nicole Smith(Inheritance)

Anna Nicole Smith

Anna Nicole Smith

Anna Nicole Smith inherited a huge inheritance when her wealthy husband, Howard Marshall died at the age of 90, on August 4, 1995.

1)The earthly branch of the Anna Nicole Smith’s day master was a Monkey clashed with the death date of her husband’s hour pillar, which had a tiger at the Hour Pillar.

2)Output element which was the earth element in the form of HO or Wu Earth which appeared in the hidden stem in the Hour Pillar & EG or Ji Earth in the hidden stem of the Month pillar on the death date of her husband chart.

3)Resource element which was the wood element in the form of DR of Jia Wood which appeared in the hidden stem of the Hour and the Year Pillar. IR or Yi Wood appeared in the hidden stem of the Day, Month and heavenly stem of the Year Pillar.

If anyone of you has the date of birth of recent Powerball winners like Julie Leach and Mr & Mrs. Robinson, please let me know so that I can do further research and study for similar patterns and elements for lottery winners. The above two examples are not conclusive yet as more research is required due to lack of information on the date of birth of the lottery winners.

Here is the video story of the Robinsons and Julie Leach who won the recent the PowerBall Jackpot.

I know many of you are secretly wishing that you could be the next Robinsons or Julie Leach.

You can try checking your Bazi chart and event date for similar patterns and elements that I have shared with you but there is no guarantee here. Wishing you all best in getting dumb money luck in the Year of the Fire Monkey 2016.

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6 thoughts on “Smart and dumb money luck

  1. Julie says:

    Hi Uncle Bazi
    I got here a bazi chart of a lottery winner of 40 million. Can’t see any similarity with your two examples.
    His bazi chart is
    X Geng Xin Yi
    X Chen Si Si
    Date of winning 25/01/2015
    X Xin Ding Jia
    X Chou Chou Wu


    1. UncleBazi says:

      Hi Julie,
      Thanks for your sharing. The similarities are Output and Resource Stars are present on the winning date. However, no clash of Chen in the Day Pillar and Chou or Wu noted but there is a destroy relationship between Chen and Chou. We need more cases of lottery winners to study the similarities or patterns in the Chart, hence it is not conclusive yet. Can you share the date of birth of the winner with me? Thanks

  2. Al says:

    Is the above example inclusive of earth DM?

    1. UncleBazi says:


      Which above example are you referring to? I do not understand your question.


  3. UncleBazi says:

    Yes, clash is an activator under the conditions explained in my blog.


  4. UncleBazi says:

    Yes, clash is an activator under the conditions explained in the blog.


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