What is your number?

Numbers are important in our lives as we have numbers in your addresses, phone numbers, account numbers, car numbers, log in IDs, passwords and others.

There are many metaphysical studies on numbers or numerology since ancient times till now. What I want to share with you is the studies on numbers 1-9 which combine  with Yi Jing.  I called it Yi Jing numerology. It can enable you to find out :-

  • Accurate interpretation of a person’s life
  • Decoding a character and personality
  • A person’s innate potential
  • Life’s trajectory

How do we calculate our numbers based on our birth dates? Please ignore all other numbers first just focus on the main number in orange color.

Let us calculate the main number for Jensen Huang, the President and CEO of Nvidia. He was born on 17-2-1963.

The date of birth – 17 is 1+7=8.

The month – 02 is 0+2=2.

The century – 19 is 1+9=10, then add 1+0=1.

The year – 63 is 6+3=9.

On the top left corner of the inverted triangle, 8+2=10 which is 1+0=1, on the right-hand corner is 1+9=10 which is 1+0=1.

To get the main number in the orange color, add 1+1=2.

His main number in the orange color is 2.

Another No 2 is Li Ka-shing. He was born on 29-7-1928.


Keyword for No.2 is Communication and speaking skills.

People with No 2 will have the following traits-

Positive traits

  • Articulate and speaks well
  • Strong adaptability
  • Mouth is their money-printing machine
  • Will receive help once they open their mouth

Negative trait

  • Indecisive when it comes to big decisions, hence missing out opportunities in life and feel pressured.


What is your number?

That’s all folks for the moment. I will cover numbers 3 to 9 in my future blogs. Please wait for my next blog.

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What is your number?