Paths to great wealth

There are many paths to become super rich. Your ten gods or the stars in your Bazi chart will be able to indicate what are your skills/talents and path of least resistant to wealth. The ten gods or the stars in your Bazi chart are Friends (F), Rob Wealth (RW), Eating God (EG), Hurting Officer (HO), Direct Wealth (DW), Indirect Wealth (IW), Direct Officer (DO), Seven Killings (7K), Direct Resource (DR) and Indirect Resource (IR).

Please print your Bazi Chart here.

Summary of talents/skills related to the stars-

1)Friend star-good in the art of dealmaking, able to work on relationship, connecting people, bringing people and resources together.

2)Rob Wealth-charismatic leadership, good in inspiring, selling, influencing, motivating, rallying a group of people or fans, team-building and communicating especially public speaking.

3)Eating God-good in art, artistic, can invent or create something, have many creative ideas and strategies.

4)Hurting Officer-good in creating a unique visible identity or branding. Able to attract people because of their magnetic personality, like to talk, communicate, be in limelight or be seen.

5)Direct Wealth-good at money management, financial intelligence, and costs control.

6)Indirect Wealth-have good business acumen, able to translate their dreams/visions to reality and good at raising capital. Action-oriented, have a “can do” attitude and enjoy creating something on their own.

7)Direct Officer-good in scheduling, timing, managing, supporting, operating and making it into a better system. Rules and systems oriented.

8)Seven Killings (7K)-Courageous, taking risks, have strong fighting spirit, never gives up and love to win.

9)Direct Resource (DR)-good at analyzing facts, data and figures. Have good learning abilities and able to acquire specialized knowledge and skills.

10)Indirect Resource (IR)-good at exploring new ways of doing things and the ability to read market/industry trends and patterns. Able to think out of the box and use of unconventional ideas.

Below is the possible wealth paths-

1)Start a business

Before you start any business, please check your Bazi chart whether you have IW or DW, RW or 7K in the month and year pillar. Of course, you need to have a business ideas, vision or concept. Find out what the market wants, find ways to get it and give it to them. Some of the rich famous businessmen are Jeff Bezos, Bills Gate, Carlos Slim, Michael Bloomberg, etc

2)Manage other people’s money (OPM)

This relates fund management like private equities, unit trust or hedge funds. Find out whether you have IR and RW in the day and month pillar. Examples of rich people in this category are Warren Buffet and Mark Mobius.


Whether you have skills in doing deals/buying and selling properties, check whether you have F and RW in the month and year pillar. Examples of rich people in this field are Donald Trump, Mark Cuban, Kirk Krekorian, etc

4)Sports & Entertainment

i)The Talent-

This refers to talented singers, actors, celebrity cooks, speakers, famous sportsmen, etc. They normally have strong HO, RW & 7k in the month & year pillar. Examples are Celine Dion, Beyonce, Gordon Ramsey, Anthony Robins, Tiger Wood, etc

ii)Mogul/Owner of talent

They usually have IW & F in the month pillar. Examples are Oprah Winfrey and Rupert Murdoph.

5)Super Managers/CEOs

They normally have DW & DO in the month pillar. Examples are Tim Cook, Jack Welch and Steve Ballmer.

6)Invent your own wealth

They write books, songs, music or create own dance, invent phones, fashion accessories, perfumes, intellectual properties, patents, copyrights, etc. They have strong EG in the month or day stem. Examples are Karl Lagerfeld (founder of Chanel), J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, Amancio Ortega (founder of Zara), Bernard Arnault (founder of LV), Elton John, Michael Jackson and Steve Job.

7)Marry rich

They normally have HO & DW or EG & DO in the day or month stem and must be physically attractive. Can be female or male. For examples Melinda Gates, Mackenzie Bezos, Heather Mills, Priscilla Chan.

You can consult me by finding out what your chart means.

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10 thoughts on “Paths to great wealth

  1. kristi says:

    I have #1 but failed with 2 businesses. I also have #2,3,4 I have no talents. I also have #7 HO&DW but did not married rich. does it mean it will happen later on in life or may not happen at all.

    1. UncleBazi says:


      You need to develop your hidden talents/skills represented by the ten gods in your hidden stems of the month pillar. Your hidden talents/skills need to be developed by attending courses, seminars, learning from others, practice your skills constantly until you become very good, learn from a coach or mentor, learn from someone who is experienced in the field, etc. Your hidden talents/skills do not come automatically to you, you need to put in efforts to develop them to the maximum. The hidden ten gods like IW, HO, F, etc, indicate your potential talents/skills only. If you do nothing with them, nothing will happen.

      You can do a consult with me by getting your personalized Bazi report on Career, Wealth, Relationship and Health by visiting to check the various packages offered by me. I will guide you on the best career path you should take.

      Thank you for your interest.

  2. Jeanie says:

    My DOB 19 June 86 born at 9.15AM GMT+7.

    Will I have the chance to get married?
    Do I have the courage to start a business?
    Or working for other people is more suitable for me?
    I have the same sign in my day & month pillar. What does it mean for my overall luck?

    1. UncleBazi says:

      Hi Jeanie,

      1)Yes, you will have the chance to get marry.
      2)Start a business is better but no courage at the moment
      3)There is a self-Punishment between 2 Horses which indicates that you always sabotage yourself or doing things that hurt yourself.

      Please get a consult from me regarding the above issues. You can go to my website to purchase your personalized reports on your Career, Wealth, Relationship and Health.
      Thank you.

  3. Alex says:

    My DOB 1 Nov 1977 born at 12.55am GMT+8. I just discovered my husband is cheating on me for 2nd time. I’m quite certain our marriage is over but I have a young daughter to consider. We have been together 15years but I feel he is holding me back as he is not fulfilling a husband’s duty in providing as a man of the house and neither is he making me happy in the marriage. Should I stay or leave the marriage? Will I be able to start a new life all over again and have courage to do so? Will I be able to meet someone else in the future?

    1. UncleBazi says:

      Hi Alex,
      Should you stay or leave the marriage depends on whether-
      1. Do you still love him?
      2. Does he still love you?
      3. Is he rich?
      if the answers to the above 3 questions are no, then you should leave the marriage. If there is one Yes answer to the above 3 questions then you should stay. Yes, you can start a new life and meet someone else in the future.
      All the best to you.

  4. Dayangku Khalizawati says: d.o.b is 13.09.1984@ 1800pm.
    This is my second marriage, my husband d.o.b is 19.10.1985@ 0400am.

    What is the suitable business for me? And is it suitable for us?
    Do we have the chance of wealth?

    Can i have another child with my husband?

    1. UncleBazi says:

      Hi Dayangku,

      I do not give free reading anymore, however, I do give personal consult through Bazi report. You can go to to buy your personalized Bazi report.

      Best regards

  5. Mimi says:

    I have HO+DW in my spouse palace and you are correct, my significant others have been well off or wealthy.

    1. UncleBazi says:

      Hi Mimi,

      Noted, I am happy for you.

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