How to train your output element to create side gig?


This month is July which is a Goat month and this year is an Ox year. Ox clashes with Goat this month. This month has many issues, surprises, challenges, and changes because of the clash. For example, the outbreak of covid delta variant in many countries around the world and insufficient supply of covid vaccines in many countries. Clash also will allow you to think about life differently. Goat-Ox clash is an earth clash that will bring out something important from the inside of you. In this pandemic having a single source of income is a big risk and many people who have lost their jobs will know that. You may start to worry about your job security and thinking of doing a side gig to create another source of income besides your day job.

Starting a side gig can be a great idea to pay the bills every month. It can make life easier for your family and potentially help you deal with unexpected expenses. Maybe you’ll be able to afford a nice holiday thanks to your side gig. Or you can go to this fancy restaurant down the road where you’ve always wanted to eat.

Output (intelligence, creativity, talents, skills, aspirations) is the element that is produced by self-element. It is something a person produces, creates, and present to the world like books, intellectual properties, performance, etc. For a wood day master, the fire element is a symbol of his output as wood generates fire. For a fire day master, the earth element is his output as fire produces earth. The output element is known as Eating God (EG) and Hurting Officer (HO) depending on whether it is a yin or yang output element. In the 5-element productive cycle, the output will produce wealth. It can be said that the wealth produces by output is infinite. This is the reason we need to train our output element so that it can continuously produce wealth for us.

How to train your output element? The different positions of the output element will tell us how to train the output element. Train here means that you need to put in efforts to do something to add value using your skills like creating another source of income for you for example a side gig. The output element can be in the year, month, day, and hour pillar.

Please print your Bazi Chart here.

If your output element is in the year pillar (below chart has an output element, EG in the year pillar) it has something to do with your popularity in your network and social circle due to your skill and creativity as the year pillar represents your network and social circle. You may want to train your output or skills to be a social influencer, key opinion leader (KOL), public speaker, or you-tuber as a side gig. You have to learn new skills like speaking, presentation, making videos, storytelling, being internet-savvy, taking photos, using Instagram, doing Facebook live, and other such skills.

Output element-EG in the year pillar

If your output is in the month pillar (below chart has an output element, HO in the month pillar) you can contribute valuable ideas to your work as the month pillar represents your career. In the current pandemic, you not only worry about your job but the survival of your company as well. For example, your boss is struggling to keep his company afloat as sales have dropped sharply. Let’s say that you contribute a great idea to him by coming out with a great marketing plan to push up the sales. You may strike a side deal with your boss by telling him that if your marketing plan can get a certain amount of sales in a month he has to pay a certain % of the sales to you as a commission. You can create a new source of income as a side gig through this idea. You can explore other ideas to do your side gig.

Output element – HO in the month pillar

If your output is in the day pillar (below chart has an output element, EG in the day and hour pillar) you can learn new or additional skills as the day pillar represents you. For example, if you are an accountant you can learn Bazi skills to be a Bazi consultant as a side gig.

If your output is in the hour pillar (below chart has an output element, EG in the hour and day pillar) you can create another source of income by creating a product or service as a side gig to sell to the market as the hour pillar represents your creation.  Output in your pillar means that you are creative and a natural marketeer. You must learn and monetize your creativity. For example, if you know Yoga you can creatively sell your Yoga exercise program by telling your clients that it can strengthen your lungs to fight against covid.

Output element – EG in the day and hour pillar

If you want to get your personalized Bazi report on your career, wealth, relationship, and health you can click on this link finding out what your chart means.

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