Will I be rich?

There may be cases of a person attaining riches without much effort but such cases are not common. People who are destined to become rich are mostly those who work hard and are also helped by destiny. Whatever your beliefs are I believe that everyone has the potential to be rich as no one is destined to be poor. Some studies have shown the following traits are important to become rich with the help of luck.

  1. Started earning money at a younger age.
  2. You are an overachiever
  3. You are attractive
  4. You have an action-oriented mindset
  5. You have a sense of urgency
  6. Focus more on earning than saving
  7. Keep an open mind
  8. You have a mentor
  9. You can defer gratification
  10. You are constantly improving yourself
  11. You know how to maximize your strengths
  12. You are a goal setter

Besides the above factors, I think there are 2 more factors that are also important to become rich. They are –

  1. You must have the compulsion to be rich or the millionaire mindset
  2. You must be committed to becoming rich. When you are committed, your mind and heart must align or incongruent which means clarity i.e. if you think of doing something and once you have decided you just do it. Just like Nike’s slogan “Just do it”.

How to know whether you have the potential to be rich in your Bazi Chart? The wealth elements in the Bazi Chart are represented by the Direct Wealth (DW) and Indirect Wealth (IW). You need to check whether you have the wealth elements (DW and IW) in your chart. If you do not have any wealth stars then look for output stars. The output stars will produce your wealth through the invention of products and services, creating your own brand and system.

Please print your Bazi Chart here.

Your Bazi Chart can tell you whether you have the compulsion to be rich. For example, below is the Bazi Chart of Michael Jordan.

Bazi Chart of Michael Jordan

There is an Indirect Wealth (IW) star in his Hour Pillar. As the Hour Pillar represents his thinking, IW indicates that he has the compulsion to be rich. Having the compulsion or the hunger to be rich is the first criteria or step to becoming a millionaire. Compulsion or the drive to be rich is different from desire. Desire means that if he encounters any obstacles & difficulties, he will give up the pursuit of wealth. Whereas for compulsion, he will still go for it despite the obstacles and difficulties.

He has fulfilled the first criteria to be rich since he has an IW star in your Hour Pillar, it is easier for him to become rich compared to those people who do not have the compulsion to be rich. To be rich, everything must begin first in the mindset. If you do not have IW or DW in your hour pillar, you have to consciously create the compulsion to be rich in your mind.

Based on Michael Jordan’s Bazi Chart, the DW in the heaven stem is identical to the DW in the earth branch in his month pillar. His DW is strongly rooted in the Tiger in the month pillar. This indicates that there is clarity of thought meaning that his mind and heart are aligned or are incongruent with what he thinks and wants to do.

Please print your Bazi Chart and find out whether you have the compulsion to be rich and clarity of thought?

If you want to get your personalized Bazi report on your career, wealth, relationship, and health you can click on this link finding out what your chart means.

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