Do you have the potential to be a first mover in your industry?


What is a first mover? A first mover is a person or company who introduces a service or product that gains a competitive advantage by being the first to market a product or service. Being first typically enables a company to establish strong brand recognition and customer loyalty before competitors enter the arena. Some massive companies that sell products all over the world would not be where they are today had they not been first-movers. Perhaps the best example of an ultra-successful first mover is the Coca-Cola Company (Coke). Coke was invented by John S. Pemberton in 1896. Another good example of a first-mover advantage is Apple’s iPhone developed by Steve Jobs. Latest, Tesla under the helm of Elon Musk is the first mover in the electric car industry.

How to identify whether a person has the potential to be the first mover in the industry based on his Bazi chart. It is easy I will check whether the person has any Sky Horse or growth star in the month or year pillar. That’s it. Of course, the person must also take action to produce innovative products or services in the industry.

What is a Sky Horse star?

The Tiger, Snake, Monkey, and Pig are called the Sky Horse or Growth stars. They represent the respective opening branch of each season – spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Growth means the Qi or energy is growing rapidly and rising. Sky Horse star is also known as the rising wealth star. Sky Horse is a traveling or moving pillar associated with wealth; therefore, travel or movement related to career and business will often be rewarded with wealth.

The Tiger, Snake, Monkey, and Pig represent the energy of massive growth, expanding energy like a seed germinating, will grow in a different direction, all energy is growing in different directions, and growing rapidly. The keyword is germination – seedling trying to grow into a plant. If any of the Sky Horse or Growth stars like Tiger, Snake, Monkey, and Pig is in your month or year pillar, it indicates that in your career, business or industry you need to be the first or market mover in your industry in order to be rich and successful.

Please print your Bazi Chart here.

Some examples of the first movers –

Steve Jobs

There is a Sky Horse star of Tiger in his month pillar. Steve Jobs worked closely with English designer Jony Ive to develop a line of products beginning in 1997 and leading to the Apple store, iMac, iPod, iPhone, iTunes, and iTunes Store. Steve Jobs was the first mover in the smartphones industry. The Apple iPhone has been the pacesetter of smartphones for many years.

Bazi chart of Steve Jobs

Elon Musk 

Tesla under the helm of Elon Musk is the first mover in the electric car industry. Tesla enjoyed the first-mover advantage, thanks to its brand power, unique growth profile, extensive supercharger network, direct selling model, and most importantly well-established battery supply chain. Elon Musk has a Sky Horse star of Pig in his year pillar.

Warren Buffett

Buffett is a buy-and-hold investor who built his fortune by acquiring undervalued companies. He is the most famous living value investor. He is considered the first mover in the value investment industry. There is a Sky Horse star of Monkey in his month pillar.

Bazi Chart of Warren Buffett

Do you have the potential to be a first mover in your industry?

If you want to get your personalized Bazi report on your career, wealth, relationship, and health you can click on this link finding out what your chart means.

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